How do I get my Organization accredited?

Organization needs to fulfill the relevant applicable standard requirements which intend for its accreditation. Forward the application form to AQAI with clear definition of scope with documentation and applicable fees, AQAI will initially carryout document review on the document submitted and subsequently will have on-site Assessment. On completion of corrective action (if CAR is raised by AQAI) accreditation decision will be arrived. You can contact AQAI thorough mail or through phone for further clarification.

I need help preparing for accreditation?

We offer several types of preparatory evaluations prior to the assessment; however, we cannot engage in consulting. We have tools, resources, and contacts to which we can direct you to help you get started.

What is certification?

Certification is the act of verifying the conformance to standard or other requirements. A certification body audits an organization and, if appropriate, a certificate of conformance to a given standard (for example, ISO 9001 for quality management systems) is issued. With regard to management systems, the terms certification and registration are used interchangeably. (Certification also refers to the process of validating and verifying the credentials of individuals, such as auditors.)

What is a certification body (CB)?

A CB (also known as a registrar) is a third-party company contracted to evaluate the conformance of an organization to the requirements of the appropriate standard(s) and issue a certificate of conformance when warranted.

What are the benefits of management systems certification?

Benefits of implementing quality management systems include increased operational efficiency; Confidence in the market place and in our public services is essential. Trust is placed in the products and services on offer often without a second thought by the customer, such are the regulations and standards against which products are manufactured and services provided. An opportunity to critically examine how employees do their work and interact between functions; establishing the proper processes for future operations; better documentation of methods and responsibilities; consistency of process; greater employee awareness about quality; cost savings from less scrap and rework, as well as fewer warranty claims; enhanced communication among employees; customer satisfaction; competitive edge; increased credibility; ease of trade; perceived higher quality; reduced customer audits; increased market share; and fulfilling supplier requirements for certification.

Benefits of implementing environmental management systems include potential reduction in process by-products and wastes ; greater employee awareness about the environment and the impact of their jobs on it; potential increased energy efficiency and energy conservation in design, production, and postproduction processes; creation of systematic structure for complying with environmental regulations; customer satisfaction/requirement; competitive advantage; ease of trade, avoiding non-tariff trade barriers; potential for improved market share; and improved image with community and environmental groups.

What is accreditation?

Accreditation is the means by which an authoritative body (such as the AQAI) gives formal recognition that an organization (such as a CB) is competent to carry out specific tasks. Accreditation provides assurance to a CB’s customers that the CB continues to operate according to internationally accepted criteria.

Accreditation is distinct from certification, which focuses on an organisation’s overall compliance with systems and products standards rather than technical competence.

Accreditation is used to validate or verify the conformance of a certification body to the requirements of national and/or international criteria.

An accreditation body is an organization that grants the authority to issue certificates to the certification body. An accredited certification body is an organization assessed and recognized by an accrediting body for its competence to audit and issue (and withdraw) certification attesting that an organization, product, or person meets the requirements of a standard or other requirements.

An organization considering certification rightfully wants to know about the reputation and competence of the CB it selects. The organization wants assurance that the CB is competent to evaluate its systems and that their customers will value the CB’s judgment, no matter where their customers are located. Each country is responsible for devising its own system for providing such assurance through the process of accreditation. In many countries, the job is vested in a single accreditation body, often a government agency. In the United States, that body is AQAI for management systems.